Source code for compath.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module the database manager of ComPath."""

import datetime
import logging
from typing import List, Optional

from sqlalchemy import and_, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker

from bio2bel.utils import get_connection
from . import managers
from .models import Base, PathwayMapping, User, Vote, mappings_users

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _flip_service_order(service_1_name: str, service_2_name: str) -> bool:
    """Decide whether the service order should be flipped (true if they should be).

    :param service_1_name:
    :param service_2_name:
    if service_1_name == service_2_name:
        return False

    return service_1_name > service_2_name

def _ensure_manager(name):
    if name not in managers:
        raise ValueError('Manager does not exist for {}. Available: {}'.format(name, managers))

[docs]class Manager(object): """Database manager.""" def __init__(self, engine, session): """Init ComPath manager.""" self.engine = engine self.session = session self.create_all()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_connection(connection=None): """Initialize manager from connection string""" connection = get_connection(MODULE_NAME, connection) engine = create_engine(connection) session_maker = sessionmaker(bind=engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False) session = scoped_session(session_maker) return Manager(engine, session)
[docs] def create_all(self, check_first: bool = True): """Create tables for ComPath.""" Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine, checkfirst=check_first)
[docs] def drop_all(self, check_first: bool = True): """Drop all tables for ComPath.""" Base.metadata.drop_all(self.engine, checkfirst=check_first)
"""Query methods"""
[docs] def count_votes(self) -> int: """Count the votes in the database.""" return self.session.query(Vote).count()
[docs] def count_mappings(self) -> int: """Count the mappings in the database.""" return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).count()
[docs] def count_users(self) -> int: """Count the Users in the database.""" return self.session.query(User).count()
[docs] def count_mapping_user(self) -> int: """Count the UsersMappings table in the database. :rtype: int """ return self.session.query(mappings_users).count()
[docs] def get_all_mappings(self) -> List[PathwayMapping]: """Get all mappings in the database.""" return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).all()
[docs] def get_all_accepted_mappings(self) -> List[PathwayMapping]: """Get all accepted mappings in the database.""" return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter(PathwayMapping.accepted == True).all()
[docs] def get_mappings_by_type(self, mapping_type: str) -> List[PathwayMapping]: """Get all mappings in the database. :param mapping_type: type of the mapping """ if mapping_type not in MAPPING_TYPES: raise ValueError('{} is not valid mapping mapping_type'.format(mapping_type)) return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter(PathwayMapping.type == mapping_type).all()
[docs] def get_vote_by_id(self, vote_id: str) -> Optional[Vote]: """Get a vote by its id. :param vote_id: identifier """ return self.session.query(Vote).filter( == vote_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_vote(self, user: User, mapping: PathwayMapping) -> Optional[Vote]: """Get a vote. :param user: User instance :param mapping: Mapping instance """ return self.session.query(Vote).filter(and_(Vote.user == user, Vote.mapping == mapping)).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_user_by_email(self, email: str) -> Optional[User]: """Get a user by their email address.""" return self.session.query(User).filter( == email).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_mapping(self, service_1_name, pathway_1_id, pathway_1_name, service_2_name, pathway_2_id, pathway_2_name, mapping_type): """Query mapping in the database. :param str service_1_name: manager name of the service 1 :param str pathway_1_id: pathway 1 id :param str pathway_1_name: pathway 1 name :param str service_2_name: manager name of the service 1 :param str pathway_2_id: pathway 2 id :param str pathway_2_name: pathway 2 name :param str mapping_type: mapping type (isPartOf or equivalentTo) :rtype: Optional[Mapping] """ mapping_filter = and_( PathwayMapping.service_1_name == service_1_name, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_id == pathway_1_id, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_name == pathway_1_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_name == service_2_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_id == pathway_2_id, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_name == pathway_2_name, PathwayMapping.type == mapping_type, ) return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter(mapping_filter).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_mapping_by_id(self, mapping_id: int) -> Optional[PathwayMapping]: """Get a mapping by its id. :param mapping_id: mapping id """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( == mapping_id).one_or_none()
[docs] def get_or_create_vote(self, user, mapping, vote_type=True): """Get or create vote. :param User user: User instance :param PathwayMapping mapping: Mapping instance :param Optional[Vote.type] vote_type: vote type :rtype: Vote """ vote = self.get_vote(user, mapping) if vote is None: vote = Vote( user=user, mapping=mapping, type=vote_type ) self.session.add(vote) self.session.commit() # If there was already a vote, and it's being changed elif vote_type is not None: vote.type = vote_type vote.changed = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.session.commit() return vote
[docs] def get_or_create_mapping(self, service_1_name, pathway_1_id, pathway_1_name, service_2_name, pathway_2_id, pathway_2_name, mapping_type, user): """Get or create a mapping. :param str service_1_name: manager name of the service 1 :param str pathway_1_name: pathway 1 name :param str pathway_1_id: pathway 1 id :param str service_2_name: manager name of the service 1 :param str pathway_2_name: pathway 2 name :param str pathway_2_id: pathway 2 id :param str mapping_type: type of mapping :param User user: the user :return: PathwayMapping and boolean indicating if the mapping was created or not :rtype: tuple[PathwayMapping,bool] """ # Ensure maintaining the order of pathways if they belong to the same database flip_order = ( mapping_type == EQUIVALENT_TO and service_1_name == service_2_name and _flip_service_order(pathway_1_name, pathway_2_name) ) if flip_order: return self.get_or_create_mapping( service_2_name, pathway_2_id, pathway_2_name, service_1_name, pathway_1_id, pathway_1_name, mapping_type, user ) # Ensure maintaining the order of the resources if mapping_type == EQUIVALENT_TO and _flip_service_order(service_1_name, service_2_name): return self.get_or_create_mapping( service_2_name, pathway_2_id, pathway_2_name, service_1_name, pathway_1_id, pathway_1_name, mapping_type, user ) _ensure_manager(service_1_name) _ensure_manager(service_2_name) mapping = self.get_mapping( service_1_name=service_1_name, pathway_1_id=pathway_1_id, pathway_1_name=pathway_1_name, service_2_name=service_2_name, pathway_2_id=pathway_2_id, pathway_2_name=pathway_2_name, mapping_type=mapping_type ) if mapping is not None: _ = self.claim_mapping(mapping, user) return mapping, False mapping = PathwayMapping( service_1_name=service_1_name, service_1_pathway_id=pathway_1_id, service_1_pathway_name=pathway_1_name, service_2_name=service_2_name, service_2_pathway_id=pathway_2_id, service_2_pathway_name=pathway_2_name, type=mapping_type ) vote = Vote( mapping=mapping, user=user ) self.session.add(mapping) self.session.add(vote) mapping.creators.append(user) self.session.commit() return mapping, True
[docs] def delete_all_mappings(self): """Delete all the votes then all the mappings.""" self.session.query(Vote).delete() self.session.query(PathwayMapping).delete() self.session.commit()
[docs] def delete_mapping_by_id(self, mapping_id): """Delete a mapping by its id. :param int mapping_id: mapping id :rtype: bool """ mapping = self.get_mapping_by_id(mapping_id) if mapping: self.session.delete(mapping) self.session.commit() return True return False
"""Custom Model Manipulations"""
[docs] def claim_mapping(self, mapping, user): """Check if user has already established the mapping, if not claims it. :param PathwayMapping mapping: Mapping instance :param User user: User :rtype: bool :return: if mapping was assigned to user """ if user in mapping.creators: return False mapping.creators.append(user) _ = self.get_or_create_vote(user, mapping) return True
[docs] def accept_mapping(self, mapping_id): """Accept established mapping (from user or curator consensus). :param int mapping_id: mapping id :rtype: tuple[PathwayMapping,bool] :return: mapping and boolean that indicates if transaction was made """ mapping = self.get_mapping_by_id(mapping_id) if not mapping: return None, False if mapping.accepted: return mapping, False mapping.accepted = True self.session.commit() return mapping, True
[docs] def get_mappings_from_pathway_with_relationship(self, type, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Get all mappings matching pathway and service name. :param str type: mapping type :param str service_name: service name :param str pathway_id: original pathway identifier :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: list[PathwayMapping] :return: """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( PathwayMapping.has_pathway_tuple(type, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name)).all()
[docs] def get_decendents_mappings_from_pathway_with_is_part_of_relationship(self, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Get all mappings matching pathway and service name. :param str type: mapping type :param str service_name: service name :param str pathway_id: original pathway identifier :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: list[PathwayMapping] :return: """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( PathwayMapping.has_descendant_pathway_tuple(IS_PART_OF, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name)).all()
[docs] def get_ancestry_mappings_from_pathway_with_is_part_of_relationship(self, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Get all mappings matching pathway and service name. :param str type: mapping type :param str service_name: service name :param str pathway_id: original pathway identifier :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: list[PathwayMapping] :return: """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( PathwayMapping.has_ancestry_pathway_tuple(IS_PART_OF, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name)).all()
[docs] def get_all_mappings_from_pathway(self, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Get all mappings matching pathway and service name. :param str service_name: service name :param str pathway_id: original pathway identifier :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: list[PathwayMapping] :return: """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( PathwayMapping.has_pathway(service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name)).all()
[docs] def get_all_pathways_from_db_with_mappings(self, pathway_database): """Get all mappings that contain a pathway from a given database. :param str service_name: service name :param str pathway_id: original pathway identifer :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: list[PathwayMapping] :return: """ return self.session.query(PathwayMapping).filter( PathwayMapping.has_database_pathway(pathway_database)).all()
[docs] def infer_hierarchy(self, resource, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Infer the possible hierarchy of a given pathway based on its equivalent mappings. :param str type: mapping type :param str resource: service name :param str pathway_id: pathway original identifier :param str pathway_name: pathway name :return: """ matching_mappings = self.get_mappings_from_pathway_with_relationship( EQUIVALENT_TO, resource, pathway_id, pathway_name ) inferred_mappings = [] for mapping in matching_mappings: # Get all hierarchical mappings from equivalent pathways complement_resource, complement_pathway_id, complement_pathway_name = mapping.get_complement_mapping_info( resource, pathway_id, pathway_name ) hierarchical_mappings_from_complement = self.get_mappings_from_pathway_with_relationship( IS_PART_OF, complement_resource, complement_pathway_id, complement_pathway_name ) for hierarchical_mapping in hierarchical_mappings_from_complement: inferred_mappings.append(hierarchical_mapping.get_complement_mapping_info( resource, pathway_id, pathway_name )) return inferred_mappings