Source code for compath.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""ComPath database model."""

import datetime

from flask_security import RoleMixin, UserMixin
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Table, and_, or_
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship

from compath.constants import MODULE_NAME, VOTE_ACCEPTANCE

Base = declarative_base()

MAPPING_TABLE_NAME = '{}_mapping'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)
VOTE_TABLE_NAME = '{}_vote'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)
USER_TABLE_NAME = '{}_user'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)
ROLE_TABLE_NAME = '{}_role'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)
ROLES_USERS_TABLE_NAME = '{}_roles_users'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)
MAPPING_USER_TABLE_NAME = '{}_mappings_users'.format(TABLE_PREFIX)

roles_users = Table(
    Column('user_id', Integer(), ForeignKey('{}.id'.format(USER_TABLE_NAME)), primary_key=True),
    Column('role_id', Integer(), ForeignKey('{}.id'.format(ROLE_TABLE_NAME)), primary_key=True)

mappings_users = Table(
    Column('mapping_id', Integer(), ForeignKey('{}.id'.format(MAPPING_TABLE_NAME)), primary_key=True),
    Column('user_id', Integer(), ForeignKey('{}.id'.format(USER_TABLE_NAME)), primary_key=True),

[docs]class User(Base, UserMixin): """User table.""" __tablename__ = USER_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) email = Column(String(255), unique=True) password = Column(String(255)) active = Column(Boolean()) confirmed_at = Column(DateTime()) roles = relationship('Role', secondary=roles_users, backref=backref('users', lazy='dynamic')) @property def is_admin(self): """Is this user an administrator?.""" return self.has_role('admin') def __str__(self): """Return email.""" return
[docs]class Role(Base, RoleMixin): """Role table.""" __tablename__ = ROLE_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String(255), unique=True) description = Column(String(255)) def __str__(self): """Return name of the role.""" return
[docs]class PathwayMapping(Base): """Mapping table.""" __tablename__ = MAPPING_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) service_1_name = Column(String(255), doc='service name (e.g., KEGG or Reactome') service_1_pathway_id = Column(String(255), doc='pathway 1 id') service_1_pathway_name = Column(String(255), doc='pathway 1 name') service_2_name = Column(String(255), doc='service name (e.g., KEGG or Reactome') service_2_pathway_id = Column(String(255), doc='pathway 2 id') service_2_pathway_name = Column(String(255), doc='pathway 2 name') type = Column(String(255), doc='Type of Mapping (isPartOf or equivalentTo)') accepted = Column(Boolean, doc='accepted mapping by the admin/curator consensus') creators = relationship('User', secondary=mappings_users, backref=backref('mappings', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='dynamic') def __str__(self): """Return mapping info.""" return '{} mapping from {}:{} to {}:{}'.format( self.type, self.service_1_name, self.service_1_pathway_name, self.service_2_name, self.service_2_pathway_name )
[docs] def get_complement_mapping_info(self, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Return the info corresponding to the other pathway in a mapping. :param PathwayMapping mapping: :param str service_name: reference service name :param str pathway_id: reference pathway id :param str pathway_name: reference pathway name :rtype: tuple[str,str,str] """ if self.service_1_name == service_name and \ self.service_1_pathway_id == pathway_id and \ self.service_1_pathway_name == pathway_name: return self.service_2_name, self.service_2_pathway_id, self.service_2_pathway_name else: return self.service_1_name, self.service_1_pathway_id, self.service_1_pathway_name
[docs] @staticmethod def has_pathway_tuple(type, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Return a filter to get all mappings matching type, service and pathway name and id.""" return or_( and_( PathwayMapping.service_1_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_name == pathway_name, PathwayMapping.type == type ), and_( PathwayMapping.service_2_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_name == pathway_name, PathwayMapping.type == type ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def has_descendant_pathway_tuple(type, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Return a filter to get all the descendants mappings matching a isPartOf relationship (the predicates), service and pathway name and id.""" return and_( PathwayMapping.service_2_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_name == pathway_name, PathwayMapping.type == type )
[docs] @staticmethod def has_ancestry_pathway_tuple(type, service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Return a filter to get all the ancestries mappings matching a isPartOf relationship (the subjects), service and pathway name and id.""" return and_( PathwayMapping.service_1_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_name == pathway_name, PathwayMapping.type == type )
[docs] @staticmethod def has_pathway(service_name, pathway_id, pathway_name): """Return a filter to get all mappings matching service and pathway name and id.""" return or_( and_( PathwayMapping.service_1_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_1_pathway_name == pathway_name, ), and_( PathwayMapping.service_2_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_id == pathway_id, PathwayMapping.service_2_pathway_name == pathway_name, ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def has_database_pathway(service_name): """Return a filter to get all mappings matching service a name.""" return or_( PathwayMapping.service_1_name == service_name, PathwayMapping.service_2_name == service_name, )
@property def count_votes(self): """Return the number of votes for this mapping. :rtype: int """ return self.votes.count() @property def count_creators(self): """Return the number of creator that claimed this mapping. :rtype: int """ return self.creators.count() @property def count_up_votes(self): """Return the number of up votes for this mapping. :rtype: int """ return self.votes.filter(Vote.type == True).count() @property def count_down_votes(self): """Return the number of down votes for this mapping. :rtype: int """ return self.votes.filter(Vote.type == False).count() @property def is_acceptable(self): """Return true if the mapping has enough votes to be accepted. :rtype: bool """ return self.votes.filter(Vote.type == True).count() >= VOTE_ACCEPTANCE
[docs] def get_user_vote(self, user): """Return votes given by the user.""" return self.votes.filter(Vote.user == user).one_or_none()
[docs]class Vote(Base): """Vote table.""" __tablename__ = VOTE_TABLE_NAME id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) mapping_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=False) mapping = relationship(PathwayMapping, backref=backref('votes', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all, delete-orphan')) changed = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow) type = Column(Boolean, default=True, nullable=False, doc='Type of vote, by default is up-vote') user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(, nullable=False) user = relationship(User, backref=backref('votes'))