Source code for compath.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains miscellaneous methods."""

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from difflib import SequenceMatcher

import numpy as np
from bio2bel.models import Action, _make_session
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
from sqlalchemy import and_
from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests

from compath.models import User
from .constants import BLACK_LIST

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""General utils"""

# modified from

[docs]def dict_to_pandas_df(d): """Transform pandas df into a dict. :param dict d: :rtype: pandas.DataFrame :return: pandas dataframe """ return DataFrame({ k: Series(list(v)) for k, v in d.items() })
[docs]def process_form_gene_set(text): """Process the string containing gene symbols and returns a gene set. :param str text: string to be processed :rtype: set[str] :return: gene set """ return { word.strip().upper() for line in text.split('\n') for word in line.split(',') if word }
"""Simulation of pathway enrichment. This set of methods perform a simulation of pathway enrichment. Given a genes, it calculates how many pathways have at least x genes in a pathway. """
[docs]def calculate_relative_enrichments(results, total_pathways_by_resource): """Calculate relative enrichment of pathways (enriched pathways/total pathways). :param dict results: result enrichment :param dict total_pathways_by_resource: resource to number of pathways :rtype: dict """ return { resource: len(enriched_pathways) / total_pathways_by_resource[resource] for resource, enriched_pathways in results.items() }
[docs]def count_genes_in_pathway(pathways_gene_sets, genes): """Calculate how many of the genes are associated to each pathway gene set. :param dict pathways_gene_sets: pathways and their gene sets :param set genes: genes queried :rtype: dict """ return { pathway: len(gene_set.intersection(genes)) for pathway, gene_set in pathways_gene_sets.items() }
[docs]def apply_filter(results, threshold): """Run one simulation with a given threshold. :param dict results: resource with pathways :param int threshold: necessary genes to enrich a pathway :rtype: dict """ filtered_results = {} for database_name, pathways in results.items(): pathways_pass_filter = [] for pathway_name, genes_mapped in pathways.items(): if genes_mapped < threshold: continue pathways_pass_filter.append(pathway_name) filtered_results[database_name] = pathways_pass_filter return filtered_results
[docs]def simulate_pathway_enrichment(resource_gene_sets, gene_set_query, runs=200): """Simulate pathway enrichment. :param resource_gene_sets: resource and their gene sets :param gene_set_query: shared genes between all resources :param runs: number of simulation :rtype: dict[list[tuple]] """ # How many pathways each resource (Database) has total_pathways_by_resource = { resource: len(pathways_gene_sets) for resource, pathways_gene_sets in resource_gene_sets.items() } # How many genes of the 'gene_set_query' are in each pathway enriched_pathways = { resource: count_genes_in_pathway(pathways_gene_sets, gene_set_query) for resource, pathways_gene_sets in resource_gene_sets.items() } results = defaultdict(list) # Calculate the percentage of pathways in the database with a minimum of genes in the pathway for threshold in range(1, runs): filtered_results = apply_filter(enriched_pathways, threshold) relative_enrichments = calculate_relative_enrichments( filtered_results, total_pathways_by_resource ) for resource, result in relative_enrichments.items(): results[resource].append(round(result, 3)) return results
"""Query utils""" def _iterate_user_strings(manager_): """Iterate over strings to print describing users. :param compath.manager.Manager manager_: :rtype: iter[str] """ for user in manager_.session.query(User).all(): yield '{email}\t{password}\t{roles}'.format(, password=user.password, roles=','.join(sorted( for r in user.roles)), )
[docs]def get_genes_without_assigned_pathways(enrichment_results, genes_query): """Return the genes without any known pathway assigned. :param dict gene_set: list of managers :param set[str] genes_query: gene set queried :return: """ # Get genes in all pathways genes_in_pathways = { gene for resource_pathways in enrichment_results.values() for pathway_dict in resource_pathways.values() for gene in pathway_dict['pathway_gene_set'] } # Find the genes not in pathways return { gene for gene in genes_query if gene not in genes_in_pathways }
[docs]def get_enriched_pathways(manager_list, gene_set): """Return the results of the queries for every registered manager. :param dict[str, Manager] manager_list: list of managers :param set[str] gene_set: gene set queried :rtype: dict[str,dict[str,dict]] """ return { manager_name: instance.query_gene_set(gene_set) for manager_name, instance in manager_list.items() if manager_name not in BLACK_LIST }
[docs]def get_gene_pathways(manager_list, gene): """Return the pathways associated with a gene for every registered manager. :param dict[str, Manager] manager_list: list of managers :param str gene: HGNC symbol :rtype: dict[str,dict[str,dict]] """ return { manager_name: instance.query_gene(gene) for manager_name, instance in manager_list.items() if manager_name not in BLACK_LIST }
[docs]def get_mappings(compath_manager, only_accepted=True): """Return a pandas dataframe with mappings information as an excel sheet file. :param compath.manager.Manager compath_manager: ComPath Manager :param bool only_accepted: only accepted (True) or all (False) """ if only_accepted: mappings = compath_manager.get_all_accepted_mappings() else: mappings = compath_manager.get_all_mappings() return [ ( mapping.service_1_pathway_name, mapping.service_1_pathway_id, mapping.service_1_name, mapping.type, mapping.service_2_pathway_name, mapping.service_2_pathway_id, mapping.service_2_name ) for mapping in mappings ]
[docs]def get_pathway_model_by_name(manager_dict, resource, pathway_name): """Return the pathway object from the resource manager. :param dict manager_dict: manager name to manager instances dictionary :param str resource: name of the manager :param str pathway_name: pathway name :rtype: Optional[Pathway] :return: pathway if exists """ manager = manager_dict.get(resource.lower()) if not manager: raise ValueError('Manager does not exist for {}'.format(resource.lower())) return manager.get_pathway_by_name(pathway_name)
[docs]def get_pathway_model_by_id(app, resource, pathway_id): """Return the pathway object from the resource manager. :param flask.Flask app: current app :param str resource: name of the manager :param str pathway_id: pathway id :rtype: Optional[Pathway] :return: pathway if exists """ manager = app.manager_dict.get(resource.lower()) return manager.get_pathway_by_id(pathway_id)
[docs]def get_gene_sets_from_pathway_names(app, pathways): """Return the gene sets for a given pathway/resource tuple. :param flask.Flask app: current app :param list[tuple[str,str] pathways: pathway/resource tuples :rtype: tuple[dict[str,set[str]],dict[str,str]] :return: gene sets """ gene_sets = {} pathway_manager_dict = {} for name, resource in pathways: pathway = get_pathway_model_by_name(app.manager_dict, resource, name) if not pathway: log.warning('{} pathway not found'.format(name)) continue # Ensure no duplicates are passed if name in gene_sets: name = "{}_{}".format(name, resource) # Check if pathway has no genes if not pathway.proteins: continue pathway_manager_dict[name] = resource gene_sets[name] = { protein.hgnc_symbol for protein in pathway.proteins } return gene_sets, pathway_manager_dict
[docs]def get_pathway_info(app, pathways): """Return the gene sets for a given pathway/resource tuple. :param flask.Flask app: current app :param list[tuple[str,str] pathways: pathway/resource tuples :rtype: list :return: pathway info """ pathway_info = [] for name, resource in pathways: pathway = get_pathway_model_by_name(app.manager_dict, resource, name) if not pathway: log.warning('{} pathway not found'.format(name)) continue pathway_info.append((resource, pathway.resource_id, return pathway_info
[docs]def get_last_action_in_module(module_name, action): """Return the info about the last action in the given module. :param str module_name: :return: """ session = _make_session() return session.query(Action).filter( and_(Action.resource == module_name, Action.action == action) ).order_by(Action.created.desc()).first()
"""Statistical utils""" def _prepare_hypergeometric_test(query_gene_set, pathway_gene_set, gene_universe): """Prepare the matrix for hypergeometric test calculations. :param set[str] query_gene_set: gene set to test against pathway :param set[str] pathway_gene_set: pathway gene set :param int gene_universe: number of HGNC symbols :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: 2x2 matrix """ return np.array( [[len(query_gene_set.intersection(pathway_gene_set)), len(query_gene_set.difference(pathway_gene_set)) ], [len(pathway_gene_set.difference(query_gene_set)), gene_universe - len(pathway_gene_set.union(query_gene_set)) ] ] )
[docs]def perform_hypergeometric_test(gene_set, manager_pathways_dict, gene_universe, apply_threshold=False, threshold=0.05): """Perform hypergeometric tests. :param set[str] gene_set: gene set to test against pathway :param dict[str,dict[str,dict]] manager_pathways_dict: manager to pathways :param int gene_universe: number of HGNC symbols :param Optional[bool] apply_threshold: return only significant pathways :param Optional[float] threshold: significance threshold (by default 0.05) :rtype: dict[str,dict[str,dict]] :return: manager_pathways_dict with p value info """ manager_p_values = dict() for manager_name, pathways in manager_pathways_dict.items(): for pathway_id, pathway_dict in pathways.items(): test_table = _prepare_hypergeometric_test(gene_set, pathway_dict["pathway_gene_set"], gene_universe) oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(test_table, alternative='greater') manager_p_values[manager_name, pathway_id] = pvalue # Split the dictionary into names_id tuples and p values to keep the same order manager_pathway_id, p_values = zip(*manager_p_values.items()) correction_test = multipletests(p_values, method='fdr_bh') q_values = correction_test[1] # Update original dict with p value corrections for i, (manager_name, pathway_id) in enumerate(manager_pathway_id): q_value = round(q_values[i], 4) manager_pathways_dict[manager_name][pathway_id]["q_value"] = q_value # [Optional] Delete the pathway if does not pass the threshold if apply_threshold and q_value > threshold: del manager_pathways_dict[manager_name][pathway_id] return manager_pathways_dict
"""Suggestion utils"""
[docs]def calculate_szymkiewicz_simpson_coefficient(set_1, set_2): """Calculate Szymkiewicz-Simpson coefficient between two sets. :param set set_1: set 1 :param set set_2: set 2 :return: similarity of the two sets :rtype: float """ intersection = len(set_1.intersection(set_2)) smaller_set = min(len(set_1), len(set_2)) return intersection / smaller_set
[docs]def calculate_similarity(name_1, name_2): """Calculate the string based similarity between two names. :param str name_1: name 1 :param str name_2: name 2 :rtype: float :return: Levenshtein similarity """ return SequenceMatcher(None, name_1, name_2).ratio()
[docs]def get_top_matches(matches, top): """Order list of tuples by second value and returns top values. :param list[tuple[str,float]] matches: list of tuples :param int top: top values to return """ sorted_names = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return sorted_names[0:top]
[docs]def filter_results(results, threshold): """Filter a tuple based iterator given a threshold. :param list[tuple[str,float]] results: list of tuples :param float threshold: thresholding """ return [ (name, value) for name, value in results if value > threshold ]
[docs]def get_most_similar_names(reference_name, names, threshold=0.4, top=5): """Return the most similar names based on string matching. :param str reference_name: :param list[str] names: :param optional[float] threshold: :param optional[int] top: :return: """ string_matching = [ (name, calculate_similarity(reference_name, name)) for name in names ] most_similar_names = filter_results(string_matching, threshold) # Order pathways by descendent similarity return get_top_matches(most_similar_names, top)
"""Export utils"""
[docs]def to_csv(triplets, file=None, sep='\t'): """Writs triplets as a tab-separated. :param iterable[tuple[str,str,str]] triplets: iterable of triplets :param file file: A writable file or file-like. Defaults to stdout. :param str sep: The separator. Defaults to tab. """ for subj_name, subj_id, subj_resource, rel, obj_name, obj_id, obj_resource in triplets: print(subj_name, subj_id, subj_resource, rel, obj_name, obj_id, obj_resource, sep=sep, file=file)