Source code for compath.visualization.cytoscape

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utils to generate the Cytoscape.js network."""

import itertools as itt
from collections import defaultdict

from networkx import Graph

from compath.utils import calculate_szymkiewicz_simpson_coefficient

[docs]def filter_network_by_similarity(graph, min_similarity): """Remove edges with similarity less than the minimum given. :param networkx.Graph graph: graph :param float min_similarity: minimum similarity required to keep an edge """ for source, target, data in graph.edges(data=True): if 'similarity' in data and data['similarity'] < min_similarity: del graph[source][target]
[docs]def pathways_to_similarity_network(manager_dict, pathways): """Create a graph with the given pathways related by their similarity :param dict manager_dict: :param list[tuple(str,str,str)] pathways: :rtype: networkx.Graph """ gene_set_dict = { identifier: manager_dict[resource].get_pathway_by_id(identifier).get_gene_set() for resource, identifier, name in pathways } graph = Graph() for (resource_1, identifier_1, name_1), (resource_2, identifier_2, name_2) in itt.combinations(pathways, r=2): similarity = calculate_szymkiewicz_simpson_coefficient(gene_set_dict[identifier_1], gene_set_dict[identifier_2]) if similarity == 0: continue graph.add_edge( (resource_1, identifier_1, name_1), (resource_2, identifier_2, name_2), similarity=similarity ) return graph
[docs]def enrich_graph_with_mappings(graph, mappings): """Enrich a graph with the mapping information. :param graph networkx.Graph: :param iter mappings: """ for mapping in mappings: graph.add_edge( (mapping.service_1_name, mapping.service_1_pathway_id, mapping.service_1_pathway_name), (mapping.service_2_name, mapping.service_2_pathway_id, mapping.service_2_pathway_name), type=mapping.type )
[docs]def networkx_to_cytoscape_js(graph): """Convert a networkx graph to the cytoscape json format. :param iter[PathwayMapping] graph: :rtype: dict """ network_dict = defaultdict(list) info_to_id = {} # linking pathway info tuple to identifier for node_id, node in enumerate(graph.nodes()): info_to_id[node] = node_id node_object = {} node_object["data"] = {} node_object["data"]["id"] = node_id node_object["data"]["resource"] = node[0] node_object["data"]["resource_id"] = node[1] if node[0] == 'kegg': node_object["data"]["name"] = node[2].replace(" - Homo sapiens (human)", "") else: node_object["data"]["name"] = node[2] if node[0] == REACTOME: node_object["data"]["url"] = REACTOME_URL.format(node[1]) elif node[0] == KEGG: node_object["data"]["url"] = KEGG_URL.format(node[1].strip('path:hsa')) elif node[0] == WIKIPATHWAYS: node_object["data"]["url"] = WIKIPATHWAYS_URL.format(node[1]) network_dict["nodes"].append(node_object.copy()) for source, target, data in graph.edges(data=True): nx = {} nx["data"] = {} nx["data"]["source"] = info_to_id[source] nx["data"]["target"] = info_to_id[target] if 'type' in data: nx["data"]["type"] = data['type'] if 'similarity' in data: nx["data"]["similarity"] = data['similarity'] network_dict["edges"].append(nx) return dict(network_dict)