Source code for compath.web

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains the ComPath web application."""

import logging
import os
import time
from functools import reduce
from operator import and_

from bio2bel_hgnc.manager import Manager as HgncManager
from flasgger import Swagger
from flask import Flask
from flask_admin import Admin
from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
from flask_security import SQLAlchemyUserDatastore, Security
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect

from compath import PATHME, managers
from compath.manager import Manager
from compath.models import Base, PathwayMapping, Role, User, Vote
from compath.utils import get_last_action_in_module, simulate_pathway_enrichment
from compath.views.analysis_service import analysis_blueprint
from compath.views.api_service import api_blueprint
from compath.views.curation_service import curation_blueprint
from compath.views.db_service import db_blueprint
from compath.views.main_service import ui_blueprint
from compath.views.model_service import MappingView, VoteView, model_blueprint
from compath.visualization.venn_diagram import process_overlap_for_venn_diagram

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

bootstrap = Bootstrap()
security = Security()
swagger = Swagger()

[docs]class ComPathSQLAlchemy(SQLAlchemy): """ComPath.""" manager = None
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """Overwrite init app method.""" super().init_app(app) self.manager = Manager(engine=self.engine, session=self.session)
[docs]def create_app(connection=None, template_folder=None, static_folder=None): """Create the Flask application. :type connection: Optional[str] :type template_folder: Optional[str] :type static_folder: Optional[str] :rtype: flask.Flask """ t = time.time() app = Flask( __name__, template_folder=(template_folder or 'templates'), static_folder=(static_folder or 'static'), ) @app.template_filter('remove_prefix') def remove_prefix(text, prefix): """Remove prefix from string. :param str text: string from which the prefix would be subtracted :param str prefix: prefix to delete :rtype: str """ if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix):] return text app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = connection or DEFAULT_CACHE_CONNECTION app.config.setdefault("SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS", False) app.config.update( SECURITY_REGISTERABLE=True, SECURITY_CONFIRMABLE=False, SECURITY_SEND_REGISTER_EMAIL=False, SECURITY_RECOVERABLE=True, #: What hash algorithm should we use for passwords SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH='pbkdf2_sha512', #: What salt should we use to hash passwords? DEFINITELY CHANGE THIS SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT=os.environ.get('COMPATH_SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT', 'compath_not_default_salt1234567890') ) app.config.setdefault('SWAGGER', SWAGGER_CONFIG) # TODO: Change for deployment. Create a new with 'os.urandom(24)' # app.secret_key = 'a\x1c\xd4\x1b\xb1\x05\xac\xac\xee\xcb6\xd8\x9fl\x14%B\xd2W\x9fP\x06\xcb\xff' app.secret_key = os.urandom(24) CSRFProtect(app) bootstrap.init_app(app) db = ComPathSQLAlchemy(app) with app.app_context(): Base.metadata.bind = db.engine Base.query = db.session.query_property() try: db.create_all() except Exception: log.exception('Failed to create all') app.manager = db.manager user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(app.manager, User, Role) security.init_app(app, user_datastore) swagger.init_app(app) admin = Admin(app, template_mode='bootstrap3') admin.add_view(ModelView(User, app.manager.session)) admin.add_view(ModelView(Role, app.manager.session)) admin.add_view(MappingView(PathwayMapping, app.manager.session)) admin.add_view(VoteView(Vote, app.manager.session)) app.register_blueprint(ui_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(curation_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(model_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(analysis_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(db_blueprint) app.register_blueprint(api_blueprint) # If PathMe-Viewer is installed, import its views if PATHME: from pathme_viewer.web.views import pathme, PathwayView from pathme_viewer.models import Pathway from pathme_viewer.manager import Manager as PathmeManager app.register_blueprint(pathme) admin.add_view(PathwayView(Pathway, app.manager.session)) app.pathme_manager = PathmeManager(engine=db.engine, session=db.session)'PathMe plugin has been imported') app.manager_dict = { resource_name: ExternalManager(engine=db.engine, session=db.session) for resource_name, ExternalManager in managers.items() }'Loading pathway database information') # Get the last time the database was populated app.database_date = {} for resource_name in managers.keys(): action = get_last_action_in_module(resource_name, 'populate') if not action: app.database_date[resource_name] = 'Empty' else: app.database_date[resource_name] = action.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")'Info: {}'.format(app.database_date))'Loading pathway distributions') app.resource_distributions = { resource_name: manager.get_pathway_size_distribution() for resource_name, manager in app.manager_dict.items() if resource_name not in BLACK_LIST }'Loading gene distributions') # TODO @cthoyt too slow app.gene_distributions = { resource_name: dict(manager.get_gene_distribution()) for resource_name, manager in app.manager_dict.items() if resource_name not in BLACK_LIST }'Loading gene sets') resource_gene_sets = { resource_name: manager.export_gene_sets() for resource_name, manager in app.manager_dict.items() if resource_name not in BLACK_LIST }'Loading overlap across pathway databases') # Flat all genes in all pathways in each resource to calculate overlap at the database level resource_all_genes = { resource: { gene for pathway, genes in pathways.items() for gene in genes } for resource, pathways in resource_gene_sets.items() } # TODO: select the databases (resource) to compare in the simulation simulate_resources = ['kegg', 'reactome', 'wikipathways'] if resource_all_genes:'Performing simulation with {}'.format(simulate_resources)) common_genes_simulated_resources = reduce(and_, [ gene_set for resource_name, gene_set in resource_all_genes.items() if resource_name in simulate_resources ]) app.simulation_results = simulate_pathway_enrichment( { resource_name: value for resource_name, value in resource_gene_sets.items() if resource_name in simulate_resources }, common_genes_simulated_resources, runs=200 ) else: log.warning('No data has been fetched')'Loading resource overview') app.resource_overview = { resource_name: (len(pathways), len(resource_all_genes[resource_name])) # dict(Manager resource name: tuple(#pathways, #genes)) for resource_name, pathways in resource_gene_sets.items() } # Get the universe of all HGNC symbols from Bio2BEL_hgnc and close the session'Loading gene universe from bio2BEL_hgnc ') hgnc_manager = HgncManager(connection=connection) resource_all_genes['Gene Universe'] = hgnc_manager.get_all_hgnc_symbols() app.gene_universe = resource_all_genes['Gene Universe'] if len(resource_all_genes['Gene Universe']) < 40000: log.warning( 'The number of HGNC symbols loaded is smaller than 40000. Please check that HGNC database has been' 'properly loaded' ) app.manager_overlap = process_overlap_for_venn_diagram(gene_sets=resource_all_genes, skip_gene_set_info=True) hgnc_manager.session.close()'Done building %s in %.2f seconds', app, time.time() - t) return app
if __name__ == '__main__': app_ = create_app(), host='', port=5000)